Completion Ceremony Committed F4E-OPE-018

After 6 years of intense work, Criotec, together with its ENEA and TRATOS CAVI partners, is pleased to celebrate the achievement of a historic milestone.
To date, almost 100 km of Nb3Sn and NbTi superconducting cables have been produced and delivered for ITER and JT60-SA projects.
At Chivasso's headquarters there is the only 1 km long jacketing line in Europe for the production of superconducting cables of various sizes!
The ceremony, which will be attended by the President of the Piedmont Region Sergio Chiamparino and the President of the Enoch Federico Testa, will be held on Wednesday 8 November 2017 from 11 am to 2 pm at the Chivasso (TO) plant.